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Faith Scrapbooking

New series begin March 14th.  Revelation: Extravagant Hope by Margaret Feinberg. Sign-up now if interested so we have time to get all the books.

The final book of the Bible can be more than a little daunting with its bloody dragons, flying creatures, and mark of the beast. But if you look more closely, you'll discover this is an extravagant message of hope.

Revelation is a survival guide for the suffering, a book of promises for the persecuted, a banner of hope for the beaten down. No matter how dark or difficult our world becomes, Christ wins in the end! And YOU are part of His winning strategy.

Sessions include:

  1. Tempted to Give up on God? (24:00)
  2. Have You Lost Perspective? (23:00)
  3. When Life’s Not Fair (24:00)
  4. How to Overcome the Enemy (22:00)
  5. When All Hell Breaks Loose (24:00)
  6. The Promises of Heaven (21:00)

$10.00/month - You can attend the classes and receive all the handouts/notes.  This helps cover the cost of videos, prep time, and attendance each month.  

$20.00/month - includes everything above as well as a two-page scrapbook layout to help document your faith journey through the series, for your children, yourself, give as a gift, etc.  If you do this option, the final class will include a cover page/back page for you completed album series at no charge.

This is a 6-7 month commitment for the entire series.  You do also need to purchase the book for the class which is $25.00 and includes online video access so you can watch the videos. You are also welcome to get the book on your own for the class. Classes are held, as much as possible, on the 2nd Thursday of the month.

Layout kits are worked on at home and include photos and instructions to complete the kits so you will have one reserved for you each month whether you can attend or just need to pick up your kits if you signed up for this option.


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Included Materials



This class cannot be purchased online. Please contact the store for more information.
Contact Info
  • Ph: (717) 458-5723
  • 5222 E. Trindle Rd., Suite R
    Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
  • Tuesday - Friday: 10am - 4pm
    Saturday: 10am - 2pm
    Open later if evening class or crop
    Closed Sunday and Monday
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